
Yahoo! Avatars

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thing 15: Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and the Future of Libraries

The various blogs from librarians was very interesting. The students' video, although simple, was very powerful and thought-provoking. My children fall within this century of students while I am with the last century. The library was a quiet place with very little activity or interaction. You checked out a book, received a card stamped with the due date, and you either sat quietly and read it, or you took it home to read. If I needed to do research, I looked in an encyclopedia and paraphrased what I read on a piece of notebook paper. Computers were only used to locate books.

Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 reminds me of a word like The Jetsons---very high tech and fast-paced. Information is readily available at your fingertips, and you have so many sources to explore. The library will be "guided on how users access, consume and create content." Our librarian has embraced this concept and is moving towards this goal. I didn't understand why she was giving away so many books to make space for additional computers. Now, I see why she continues to update her technology skills while encouraging teachers to do the same. My wonderful librarian is why this dinosaur is taking the Library2Play training. I don't want to become extinct!

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