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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thing #20: Explore You Tube and Teacher Tube

Trying to figure this out. Will come back.

I'm not sure what happened. The disadvantage about taking this class on your own is---you feel like you're on your own. I don't have colleagues to run to, so I rely on comments to help me through this training. Some of the comments mentioned that they were successful in embedding the video, but it covered part of the blog. It looks like that happened to me.

I wanted to embed videos from both You Tube and Teacher Tube, but this "thing" was too taxing. This is a video from You Tube. Although it was created for a particular school, I thought the message was universal. During out discussion of Web 2.0, we have primarily focused on teachers and students. This video brings parents into the picture by informing parents how the child's learning experience, in and outside of the classroom will change/has changed.

Once I become more familiar with utilizing (searching, accessing, embedding, discussing)You Tube and Teacher Tube, I will make both a part of my curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. I struggled with this one too! Don't quite know how I solved the situation! I just finished Thing #23! What a journey! I wish you good luck this year!
